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Correction of Translation in Table

Source Text
Target Text
Ada tiga strategi dasar yang berkenaan dangan masalah struktur, yaitu:

-          Penambahan
Penambahan di sini adalah penambahan kata-kata di dalam bahasa sasaran. Penambahan jenis ini bukanlah masalah pilihan tetapi keharusan.

-          Pengurangan
Pengurangan artinya adanya pengurangan elemen struktural di dalam bahasa sasaran. Seperti halnya penambahan, pengurangan ini merupakan keharusan.

-          Transposisi
Transposisi adalah suatu keharusan apabila tanpa strategi ini makna bahasa sumber tidak tersampaikan. Transposisi menjadi pilihan apabila dilakukan hanya karena alasan gaya bahasa saja. Dengan strategi ini penerjemah mengubah struktur asli bahasa sumber di dalam bahasa sasaran untuk mencapai efek yang padan. Pengubahan ini bisa pengubahan bentuk jamak ke bentuk tunggal, posisi kata sifat, sampai pengubahan struktur kalimat secara keseluruhan. Pemisahan satu kalimat bahasa sumber menjadi dua kalimat bahasa sasaran atau lebih, atau penggabungan dua kalimat bahasa sumber atau lebih menjadi satu kalimat bahasa sasaran juga termasuk di dalam strategi ini.
Transposisi juga bisa dilakukan karena pertimbangan gaya bahasa atau stilistika.

There are 3 main strategies deal with structure, namely:

-          Addition
It means existence of increment target language words. This addition is not option but a compulsory.

-          Reduction
It means existence of decrement target language words of structural component. Reduction has similarity with addition, a must.

-          Transposition
It is an absolute thing when this strategy is unavailable which meaning of source language is unacceptable. Transposition becomes an option for the reason of language style. With this strategy, translator can transforms authentic structure of source language translates to target language to achieve equivalence effect. This transposition is able to substitute form of singular to plural, adjective position and complete sentence structure. Separation of the source language becomes two or more of the target language sentences then combination two sentences of the source language being one or more sentences of the target language are belong to this strategy. It is able to consider style and stylistics of language.

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Strategi Struktural dalam Penerjemahan (Indonesian-English)

      3.      Strategi Struktural dalam Penerjemahan
Ada tiga strategi dasar yang berkenaan dangan masalah struktur, yaitu:
-          Penambahan
Penambahan di sini adalah penambahan kata-kata di dalam bahasa sasaran. Penambahan jenis ini bukanlah masalah pilihan tetapi kaharusan.
-          Pengurangan
Pengurangan artinya adanya pengurangan elemen structural di dalam bahasa sasaran. Seperti halnya penambahan, pengurangan ini merupakan keharusan.
-          Transposisi
Transposisi adalah suatu keharusan apabila tanpa strategi ini makna bahasa sumber tidak tersampaikan. Transposisi menjadi pilihan apabila dilakukan hanya karena alasan gaya bahasa saja. Dengan strategi ini penerjemah mengubah struktur asli bahasa sumber di dalam bahasa sasaran untuk mencapai efek yang padan. Pengubahan ini bisa pengubahan bentuk jamak ke bentuk tunggal, posisi kata sifat, sampai pengubahan struktur kalimat secara keseluruhan. Pemisahan satu kalimat bahasa sumber menjadi dua kalimat bahasa sasaran atau lebih, atau penggabungan dua kalimat bahasa sumber atau lebih menjadi satu kalimat bahasa sasaran juga termasuk di dalam strategi ini.
Transposisi juga bisa dilakukan karena pertimbangan gaya bahasa atau stilistika.

      3.      The structural strategy of translation
There are 3 main strategies deal with the structure:
-          Addition
It means that the words of the target language are added. This addition is not matter, but a must.
-          Reduction
It means that the words of the source language are rejected. The reduction is same with addition, that is an absolute.
-          Transposition
It is absolute without this strategy the meaning of source language is not gotten.

3.      The structural strategy of translation
There are 3 main strategies deal with the structure:
-          Addition
It means that the words of the target language are added. This addition is not matter, but a must.

-          Reduction
It means that the words of the target language are rejected for structural component. The reduction is same with addition that is must.

-          Transposition
It is an absolute because without this strategy the meaning of source language is not achieved. Transposition becomes a choice for the reason of language style. Translator can changes the authentic structure of source language which is translated to the target language to achieve the equivalence effect. This transposition is able to change the form of singular to plural, adjective position, until the complete sentence structure. The separation of source language sentence into two or more of target language sentences, or the combination of two sentences in source language to one or more sentences of target language are belong to this strategy. It also can be done for consideration of style and stylistics language.

Name   : Septiaji Fajar Rianto
Class    : 4SA04
NPM   : 16611682

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It provides management of terminology and translation memory (bank of words).
It has some more complicated usage than other translation machine.
It is useful for company with which has many assignment to translate a lot of documents.
It is less flexible machine than other translation machine which can bring to anywhere with simple gadget.
The user of this software immediately sees which parts of the text are to be translated, which makes it easy to concentrate on the essential.
The user does not have to look for the sentence to be translated where the translated text to be inserted, since they are both located in the same area of the screen, are marked with different colors, and have the same type size and typeface.


It provides various features inside, such as grammar checker, sentence rephraser, dictionary, text reader, and personal trainer.
Sometimes, we can find some errors such features, like the true word doesn’t appear when we write uncorrected word.   
It can correct some mistakes in writing a sentence and a word.
It also good choice for traveler, because easier to used than others.
This software has troubles when we write sentences that have relation with passive voice form.  
It has function to check spelling a word carefully, when makes a mistake in writing, it gives true possible answer.
It has lack on grammar checker; when we write many sentence with grammar English, sometimes it doesn’t check correctly, although we know that sentence has mistake in grammar when we make manually without translation machine.

It can be used for online system when translators need teams work, this tool can share the same projects to other translator in same time.
It works relatives slower when working on pc than other machines.
It provides translation memory (same with trades) which can make easy the user to access the word that has translated; it is very simple to learn.
Sometimes, it has trouble when we want to upload the glossary to speed up the work of translator.
This tool also can handles project management and automatic workflow. It means that your translation memories can be managed and applied to document versions automatically.
For someone who get trouble with his eyes, wordbee is almost unusable, because it works at low resolution and vague colors inside the browser and also has too small fonts.


It has linguistic option and systran business dictionary that help translator achieve high translation quality.
From those features, systran belongs to one of machine translation which is not flexible. It has complex features when we have to finish the job quickly.
This tool also has options to create personalized user dictionaries and translation memories to improve translation quality.
It has limited pair of language that usually can be translated. Dominant countries are American and European. Unfortunately, for Indonesian cannot be found in this tool.
It has more accurate translation result than other machines.
Because it is supported by some great features such as linguistic option and translation memories that can be managed by user.
In translation many sentences, this tool has trouble with grammar checker. Sometimes, we need check and correct carefully again to make the sentences of target language are acceptable for readers.

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